From the hand of our importer Chen in the Asian country
De la mano de Chen, el importador en China de Bodegas el Inicio, hemos estado presentes la octava edición de la feria OPEN DAYS IN CHANGSHA. Una cita organizada por Foods and Wines from Spain y Alimentos de España.
Led by Chen, the importer in China of Bodegas el Inicio, we have been present at the eighth edition of the OPEN DAYS IN CHANGSHA fair. An event organized by Foods and Wines from Spain and Alimentos de España.
So far we have gone to the city of Changsha with the wines we make. The health restrictions imposed in Guanzhou force us to wait a while.
Changsha, with 7 million inhabitants, is the capital of Hunan province. It is one of the commercial and industrial centers of China and one of the second-tier cities in the State with the greatest growth potential.